The climate crisis, the unstable geopolitical situation and the energy crisis together make sustainability a more current topic than ever before. As part of the music sector, how do we relate to these crises and sustainability? Within the Transition & Sustainability theme, we discuss the topics of sustainability, inclusion, equality and tour management.
Program (walk-in 16:00)
– Opening by Hasna El Maroudi
– Keynote: Challenging the status quo by Hanane Abaydi (corporate activist, FDBCK Agency).
– Keynote: Impact and importance European collaboration project Footprints by Garance Amieux (Périscope) and Gwendolenn Sharp (founder The Green Room).
Panel discussions with Parvinder Marwaha (Design Programme Manager, British Council), Marguerite Courtel (founder Les Augures) and Jean Perrissin (Le Cabaret Vert). Moderated by Hasna El Maroudi.
Double concert by Amalia Umeda Quartet & Teis Semey Quintet
The afternoon program is free and we invite everyone to participate.