Jef Neve, rythm section & string quartet
Jef Neve piano, Lennart Heyndels bas, Jens Bouttery drums/toys, Teus Nobel trompet, Pauline Koning viool, Cristina Constantinescu viool, Steven De Roeck altviool, Marlon Dek cello
Flemish star pianist Jef Neve steps to the fore with his band, a string quartet and a new album, Spirit Control. ‘His compositions contain sublimely elaborate combustions’ (NRC).
Jef Neve, rythm section & string quartet
Jef Neve piano, Lennart Heyndels bas, Jens Bouttery drums/toys, Teus Nobel trompet, Pauline Koning viool, Cristina Constantinescu viool, Steven De Roeck altviool, Marlon Dek cello