How does the word “mysterious” sound? You might find the answer in the traditional, ritualistic throat singing of Huun Huur Tu. These musicians, hailing from the Central Asian land of Tuva, create an enthralling sound rich in undertones and overtones. By using their unique throat-singing technique, they can produce both a low note (the drone) and its overtones simultaneously, effectively singing two or even three notes at once.
What is no longer a mystery, however, is the worldwide success of the quartet. They quickly became an established name in the international world music scene, thanks to their modern presentation of traditional throat singing. In recent years, the ensemble has toured extensively, performing on stage up to 200 times a year.
Kaigal-ool Khovalyg vocals/igyl, Radik Tyulyush vocals/byzaanchi/khomuz, Alexei Saryglar vocals/tuyug/tungur/igyl, Sayan Bapa vocals/toschpulur/guitar/igyl