
Groove Beest Family concert

Brintex Collective

Charge your battery with fresh jazz energy.

Brintex Collective sounds like a metropole: vibrant, squeaking, crunching and full of scents and colours. The group is from Rotterdam, but could just as easily have come from London or New York. Jump on the Brintex train and let yourself get carried away by the dashing melody lines, deep bass tones, electronic sounds and crackling drums.

In the family concert series Groove Beest you will discover why some music makes you want to tap your foot to the beat or jump up and start dancing. Together with MC Groove Beest and the band members you will feel the groove. Sitting still is not an option; so jump, dance and clap along and unleash your inner beast. Get in the mood with this video.

Brenn Luiten keys, Tommy van Leuken synthesizer/guitar, Diana Dzhabbar flute/sax, Joop de Graaf bass, Christopher Rijckaert drums

MC Cheyenne Toney

Extra information

Before this concert you can participate in a special Soundlab Workshop where you learn to play different jazz grooves. This is a super fun experience, where you don’t have to read notes or play an instrument.