
Book presentation Geen Dag Zonder Nacht

Book presentation about the famous Dutch nightlife.

On 14 October the short story collection Geen dag zonder nacht by Thys Boer and Jonasz Dekkers will be released. In this collection thirty carriers of the Dutch nightlife will shine their light on this topic. Many taboos were broken, new music, fashion and lifestyles were invented and many international careers were founded. But most importantly, for many the night is the place where people could find out who they are.

On 20 October a couple of these Dutch nightlife carriers will perform an interdisciplinary tribute to the night at our stage. Stories in the collection will be told, but current affairs will also be mentioned.

The following writers, journalists, artists and politicans contributed to Geen dag zonder nacht: Haroon Ali, Cees de Beer, Persis Bekkering, Joost van Bellen, Edo van den Berg, Black Sun Empire, Dean Bowen, Delicia Çelik, Holly Dicker, Marian Donner, non van Driel, Amara van der Elst, Eurosonic Noorderslag, Future Intel, Dario Goldbach, Tyler Koudijzer, Philou Louzolo, Laisa Maria, Elly Elejandro Martinez, Mirik Milan, Milkshake, Shirin Mirachor, DJ Moortje, Lidwien van Noorden, Merlijn Poolman, Sylvana Simons, Speedy J, Teddy Tops, Wasteland, Zwarte Cross en de Rainbowband.